I’ve never had a cat who stares this much. Ragdolls are something special 😂
I think there’s only static behind his eyes, but he’s pretty so it’s okay 😂
Girlfriend dont want to See a Doctor
What food did you hate as a child, but now love as an adult?
Got a cat? I’ll doodle it. Drop those pics! 🐱🎨
He suddenly hates his fountain, but he needs to drink water!
Started the Sitz Mark study today
Laxatives causes extreme pain?
What "types" of people do you secretly judge or dislike?
Suggestions for a first grade book for mystery reader?
dae bring people to the gyno with them?
I’m sorry if this is a weird question - can someone explain what “painful bowel movements” mean? I always thought I didn’t have that symptom — but I think I understood it wrong.
I have endometriosis, Of course I....
I very much dislike Invincible
What Does Depression Feel Like To You??
What's the funniest sexual fail you've experienced?
What's a physical trait you find attractive that other people may not?
Getting a defecography done and I’m terrified.
Extremely Feminine Song Recommendations
How do I create a shower habit when I hate showering and I'm so ashamed I don't have one already? 34F
He knows he’s not supposed to lay on dad’s shoes….but come on. Look at him. 😭😍
Had lap & excision on monday, husband wants me to sing at a concert on Saturday
What exactly is hair oil and how do I use it?
Audition song help! Quirky, jazzy number for mezzo?
Hide your stretch marks from boys…
AITA for getting my daughter stretch mark oil?