do they really do come back?
I found out that my coworker smells my T-shirt every day.
I just got a new pet. What should i name it?
saw a young pregnant couple and got jealous
felt jealous of a couple and liked the husband
Just created a new plushie, what should I call it?
What made a new game, what should I call it?
Just made this show, what should I call it?
I'm really embarrassed to admit this.
Just made this show, What should i call it
Whats a universally loved food that you secretly think is trash?
How do you guys deal with the loss of someone you loved?
Last year, we got a Paddington Bear statue. Last night, this happened to him.
How did you know you were experiencing reactive abuse (self defense)
i want to be heard
what do you do after an argument w your nmom that makes you want to kys
Do you ever feel like your parents didn't teach you any life skills so they could point out all of the mistakes you're making as an adult?
please give me advice on how not to be like my mom
my loser N parents have destroyed my life and i cant live with myself. i cough blood every day
Depressed from abuse
What have narcissists taken from you that you can never get back?
very unmotived to do anything
ok omeleto, what's up with deleting your videos.
my brother physically abuses me and sometimes my mother.