You are in prison, finger cuffed like baki in a cell & Biscut oliva comes in your cell & starts pissing all over you, Your finger cuffs suddenly fall off, WHAT YOU GOING TO DO?
PS Plus Extra leaked games from billbil-kun
PlayStation has announced that the PlayStation Plus 12 month plan options will have their price increased.
alguien recuerda a esta mujer? le debe la mitad de su carrera como "streamer" a un tal Germán García Carro aka Orslok
¿Premio o castigo?
Héroe o villano?
Insertar título genérico
eso no salia en el juego chicos :c
UFC 4 and FIFA 22 Eliminated! Vote for your LEAST Favourite PS PLUS Game From 2022 (Round 2), Double Elimination until Top 10.
Which one should I go for?
Casi tres de cada cuatro empresas en España no toman ninguna medida contra el cambio climático
No entiendo porque tanto odio a mi cena
Me lo tome como un reto
can we have tourmente to pick the best ps plus game for 2022 like last year
The worst PS Plus month (August) and the most controversial one (December) of 2021 are two of the best months of 2022. Do you feel the same?
What are your picks for the absolute Must-Play games in the Extra tier?
Dohoe Whorerochi
Cyberpunk bugs I’ve been dealing with lol
sometimes cyberpunk bugs really should be added into the game
Pedro Sánchez balón de oro
El ascenso más fácil de mi vida