Do you always use stock images/royalty free texture, and if so, where might I find an unlicensed subway map for my game?
This is the trailer for the Free DLC of my main game, what you guys think?
How can I make an "overlay" like this on an object when looked at from all directions that follows its shape (if viewed from the side, the selection should be longer/slimmer, etc) in UE5?
My eye is fits inside the head, but when moving the eyes it pokes out. My question is, how do I change the pivot around which the eyes rotate? I used a base model so I didn't rig them originally.
Diffuse color option is not showing, only diffuse map. Not sure where the image texture would be located on these nodes.
How would one go about creating a "see-through" widget that sees things the regular camera doesn't?
i was bored at work so i made this presentation
Giving Back To The Community - Free Asset Pack
With 2x blings coming up, some people need to see this.
This might be a stupid question but am I supposed to be able to toggle "Allow" on this setting? (I can't) My headphones work, I've just had issues with my audio and was wondering if this could be the problem.
Question about level/location design.
Is it not a common opinion that 4 outfit slots for a FASHION game with basically unlimited possibilities kinda crazy?
Quick outfit line-up
PC starts automatically when plugging in and then repeatedly restarts.
Weird peak hours?
Does the selected number of players before the match affect the difficulty even if I go in alone?
Generating new shh key only shows me randomart. How do I see the key?
Bayonetta (1920x1080)
I am on the last mission episode 15, can I keep playing and build roads after I finish this episode ?
Why is there a shadow at the edge of my mesh when I create face?
How do you normally make game locations/levels?
Blank unpaintable spots in mesh texture
What are these edge lines in the corner of the mesh?
Shrinkwrap disfigures the original mesh
Installing driver in new PC trouble