The 25 most epic Nintendo games of all time
I NEED to know the story behind these reviews. MH video when?
I WILL be boycotting smash 6 if Sakurai keeps this shit up
My opinions on the yokai watch anime
Didn't know James Hatfield sang Smells like teen spirit
Is eternal darkness a third party game or not?
What's the most annoying enemy in this game?
We’re not only getting a new Mario Kart, but a whopping 24 PLAYERS!!!
What a nice community we have
Bfdi if it was actually good
What is the worst Disney film from every era.
Looks like 75% of the people who are active on this sub are breaking this rule
Yesterday I did god a favor after I watched The new TMNT movie.
What are Some T rated games that came out before 2005 that would've been rated E10+ if they came out today?
What is the worst R/schaffrillas post
Guys I have a theory
This is for all the 12-year-olds (Unlike me, a big boy 13-year-old 😎👍)
Fuck. Jerry.
Animated movies in 2023 and 2024 be like:
Honestly thought this was a fanmade Schaffrillas thumbnail at first
Whats an opinion you have in this community that will have people looking at you like this?
I might be the only one who thinks this, but I would really like it if Schaff reviewed the goanimate movie
What do yall think of jibanyans early design?
I need some advice
Why is Tony Soprano in so of Schaffrillas many thumbnails