I did try posting this earlier. I don't know what happened. But YES, she actually did go all out for Easter one year. Still doesn't change the fact that she's a piece of💩 that no longer has her kids.
Why does Tara’s boss at the hospital change her attitude towards her so quickly?
I don’t fucking speak spanish!!
Shopping Expensive
she can’t just cook the food lmfao???
“ I can use these as Easter baskets for the kids”
Does anyone else not understand her logic?
Maci the functioning alcoholic
Maria & Yadriel
Why did Poussey go to jail?
What is 💊 supposed to mean?
I hope the hate comments are enough for to pay for that car charger.
Fiona's ex fiance on Chicago Fire
YT vlog
I said it once and I'll say it again
Her attitude towards food pantries
I personally can’t judge Taystee for what she did
End of season 6 (MAJOR MAJOR SPOILER!!)
I’m trying to catch up …
Guys. I know this Is very controversial, but Cindy was not in the wrong.
I don't know how people have so many kids
Feelings towards Marty
that didn’t age well