Best *band* starting with letter R?
What was that Jack?????
why was this removed?
YO MOMMA IS SO _______.
HE’S HALF MAN… HALF _______.
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Give me an album and I’ll tell you my top 3 songs
What Is Better?
Ranking Alice In Chains Albums (Layne Era)
Best *band* starting with letter N?
Tell me your other favorite song before you go
I’m a woman that identifies as a ____. Yes we exist
Most recent alex g song you listening to. Or else.
Rating The Songs (Layne Era)
Which artist would you like to say this to?
Best *band* starting with letter I?
I love this sub bro 😭
Am I forgiven now? I have the holy… Septernity (I think that means seven)
Alice In Chains Hot Takes?
Do not ___ the dog!
Spell Your Name With Radiohead songs
I am not the only one who sees a face here, right?
This has a lot of pixels.