Why do I always feel like other teenage dudes are staring at me in public.
we need a revolution fast
Max manages to salvage an old cd player for his his car along with some speakers....What songs do you think he'd be listening to across the Dead Barrens? This game is indeed a masterpiece but as a music lover, I would have liked some tunes whilst driving for miles on end.
How do you think this would go, Constantine (VS?) Doom
Build Your Own Starship Crew
Y’all think we may see Thor go up against Doom in Doomsday? If so would he win?
If Picard data and worf were singing a different song during star trek insurrection
How would you explain the feeling of being in love?
Do you prefer comic accurate or comic inspired suits?
where do you spend too much of your free time?
How weird is it that i have been in love with a girl for years and she doesn't know at all (i have my reasons)
The Mark III was the greatest Iron Man armour & I will not hear otherwise
How, and what you attract to a girl you have never talked to?
Marvel Unlimited
Classic Marvel dialogue was something else ⚙️
If we got a second Joe Fixit Mini what would you like it to be about?
She’s the latest BUZZ of the superhero world, her story is quite a STING - - meet BEE GIRL!
What other games deserved a sequel?
You have to reason with one of these psychopaths to not kill you,who will you choose?
Nick Fury vs. Fin Fang Foom
We look at one of the best art teams in HORROR COMIC History
Are women better at dealing with children or has society just shunned men away from parenting roles such as caregivers, school teachers, etc when men are just as good at those things
Which Hulk villain is your favorite?
Do you think an Iron Man 4 could’ve fit between Civil War and Infinity War?
Is Alligator Loki a Loki?