Reddit what my uncle do?
What did my girlfriend’s husband do?
DD215 question
Qualification Clasps
Help Me Understand My Gramps’ WWII Medals?
Dad doesn’t talk about his service much. What do these mean?
My grandfather served in the 2em legion etrangere, and kept busy as you can see
Friend of mine. Said he never got to go
What did my grandfather do
My grandfather served in WWII and died before I was born. What do these mean?
Skeletonized UPPER? that can't be a real thing, can it?
New CEO of my company
What did my father do?
10/10 do NOT recommend reporting to your unit in Sept 2001
Tell me about my grandpa
What did my grandfather do?
Saw this going down the road. I’m hoping a better solider than driver.
Single Enlistment, Diet Caffeine-free Army
ISAF Medal
Can you tell me more about my grandfather?
I thought I would join the "what did I do" trend.
My grandfathers uniform and medals are locked away in a relatives attic, can his DD 214 tell us much?
A person requested my V device im showing it... I'm also showing my favorite non V arcom
What did my BIL do?
Medal ideas??