No declining, MUST DO.
Images from a Trump boat parade yesterday in Florida
Nazi fucks are absolute SCUM
It’s like every third comment nowadays
They don’t make debate bros like they used to… Dean
Slavery is bad
Nick is not Goyle
Dean Withers Tiktok Jubilee dude cooking NickF on Adin's stream in front of 60k live
ZioNazi Victim Mentality 🤡
Israel is so large that it covers 2 more war zones
An actual self admitted fascist
In light of the current escalation in the Israel-Hezbollah conflict, Americans should not forget the strong military ties they have with the Lebanese group🤝.
Just Unsubbed from PoliticalCompassMemes, it used to be making fun of everyone, now it is exclusively making fun of the left.
You’ll be arrested otherwise
Destiny is going to pound and humiliate John Goyle ruthlessly.
Is this true?
Appropriate name for this much of a fuckin loser.
Way down south in the land of traitors
Green party leftist btw
Reminder you don't hate leftists enough
Sweden moment
A man selling political flags and merchandise out of a trailer at a county fair.
Define “most,” Bernie…
We're just spreading joy 😊🎉