What if Yuko Minami never left Ace and it was Seiji who had to go instead?
Ultra Fanservice
Phishing sling shot
Una settimana da docente
Sevens reason for taking in Leo as a apprentice
Maranza catturato e pestato a Milano. “Siamo ronde anti maranza”
🗣️: "Ultraman can't talk!!"
Ultramen side hustle
Topolino è un fumetto ancora valido?
Name your favorite Ultra hero and i‘ll tell you how Zero would beat him
A bruciapelo: film peggiori che vi sia mai capitato di vedere?
Curious, but how did you guys find out about Ultraman?
Grigio's cosplay experience
Is There any Ultraman Lost Media Out There That You’re Aware Of?
Can anyone genuinely tell me what is the context behind these picture
Favorite Astro Boy anime?
Consigliatemi qualche libro da leggere che vi è piaciuto
Ace tries his best (and dies)
Tell me your favorite Ultraman song (OP, ED, anything)
Be honest. Why are you all Godzilla fans?
Libro peggiore vs Libro sopravvalutato
I will impersonate as Zangill and impersonate him so ask me anything
Prentice hall anthology of SF $ F (various)anthologer: Garyn G. Roberts