Who of my friend group has the best favorite games?
Who between me and my friends have the best lineup of games?
What game do you enjoy regardless of how much hate it gets online?
Who gettin the aux💯⁉️💔💔
My Top 25 of All Time
Who has a better 3X3 anime/manga list, me(left) or my nephew(right)
Who has the better character 3X3, me or my nephew?
Who has the best top 5 video games among my friend group?
Who has the best list?
Which game here is the hardest?
I'll rate your top 5 animanga protagonists
Who are you inviting over for movie night?
The best 2 manga I've read, any recommendations ?
Who has a better character 3x3 me or my friend?
Which of my friend group and I gets the aux? (Roasts welcome)
Who in my friend group gets the aux?
Who has the best lineup of favorite games between my friends and I?