Songs never played live
Please make this guy the guest on the London show
What's the hottest thing someone has ever whispered in your ear?
Those who have nonagon tattoos, where did you decide to put yours?
What's the name of this opening/gambit?
You may be a member of the Weirdo Swarm if....
What is your favourite gizz lyric?
Salt in the wound
Sound off…Whats your favorite album by KGATLW? I’ll start.
Float Along - Fill Your Lungs lyrics
How long would you reckon it'll be until we get some new Bootleg Gizzard on Spotify?
What is the most “rewatchable” TV series?
Any movie recommendations that just feels like as if an acid trip manifested itself into reality?
As a hardcore beach boys fan myself. I can’t explain the feeling I got when I saw this..
What’s a music style Gizz has done in the past that you’d like to see comeback in a future album?
We all love Acoustic Nights, but what are special themed shows you’d like to see?
Now that weed is legal in Germany. What are the laws on bringing weed with you from Amsterdam to Germany?
One song recommendation
In an odd turn of events, Good Vibrations has also won the vote for worst track on the album. What is the most underrated track on "Smiley Smile"?
What's a movie that you think everyone should watch at least once in their lifetime?
It’s 1971. You walk over to the record store’s current release section. You only have enough cash for 2 albums. What are you picking?
As of right now, what will it take to make you 100% happy?
I have a severe braynjury and trying ng to learn to use. Apps to work on it as Rehabilitation. O I tried this got to work more I on itLFG
TIL that I’ve never listened to FAFYL