Does any of you actually use this to launch an app?
This gotta be the biggest joke ever..
Should I sell it?
تخرعني إشعارات سهل
AI cameras and no seatbelt
Upgraded to the iPhone 16e today!
Thoughts on Chinese cars ?
شلون قطعت تدخين؟
Does anyone know where can I find something similar to this from known brands?
الي عايشين مرتاحين بالكويت
What's the first thing that came to your mind when you saw my work?
Don't see anyone using Mantis anymore. What happened?
دراما نوادي البنات
A win is a win is a win!!
How did this hero go from broken in the beta to people literally saying you are throwing by just picking him?
Anyone else race for real?
New player advice. Ferrari invite. What should I get?
A f****** question make me die...
Now i can die.
Failed driving test second time
New cars 🤔
New cars inbound
A massive tadpole was discovered, with a hormonal imbalance that prevented it from developing into a frog
First time GT7 player, are invites common? Which one should I get? My heart says Veyron...