Invincible [Episode Discussion] - S03E08 - I Thought You'd Never Shut Up
Foil prices
How Eve could’ve beaten Conquest rather easily (Open to being proved wrong)
Has anyone tried other types of armor for HEMA?
Defining Eve's Powers
re-uploading the Rinehart 'song'
Dizziness while working out
workout suggestions
What are the odds of Levy losing the match?
Hanime: No Subtitles?
Roze of Recapture Episode 9
Perfect pale hourglass
Every show I could connect to Gravity Falls (suggest more if you'd like)
What’s a huge waste of money but people keep buying it?
New speedrun idea? Make all the rarest moves that never have been played reality
Mike Trapp what’s next?
Lichess accounts between two "1500s"(one of which is 2700 bullet and blitz) follow Ding-Nepo game 8 exactly. They were created on the same day(February 13th 2023) and have only played each other.
Phone Guy's death