My setup is completed. How is it?
1440p vs 4k OLED Monitor (27 vs 32")? Need Help Choosing
New pc after ten years of console gaming
My Harry Potter corner (that's a 32 inch screen BTW)
Joined the gang with a new pc and alienware aw3225qf
My 5080 setup
New pc after a decade of being a peasant
My up coming pc after years of console
My last pc had a 980 just pulled the trigger on these
S6 C1 Level 100/200 Achievement Thread
About Fortnite Crew
Lego gives a lot of xp?????
Changes to LEGO XP
Xp "vanishes" after I return to lobby (gained in lego)
Shaquille O’Neil Has Made His Way Into The Item Shop!! Cop or (Bass) Drop?
more than 100 rockets fired from Iran to Israel
Thanks for all the tips Done with grinding for the season now I can chill in Br, 2 weeks for 2 battlepasses not too shabby (did my son battle pass also)
Why level up so fast?
For people that have been reporting not receiving or losing XP when returning to the lobby
Half way mark
Anybody else not getting xp from Lego?
any way to check how much xp was done in diffrents mode daily ?
You would think one would touch grass now, but one has his son bp to grind...
How to do afk method in jam stage?
IT IS DONE! What level are you currently at?