If you were forced to listen to one music genre your entire life, which one would it be?
What was your favorite cartoon growing up?
Why are you single right now?
If you can choose one MMC to be your life partner, who and why?
Books you would like to see made into a movie or tv series?
Best books recommended on Booktok?
What’s the most believable lie that someone has told you?
My girlfriend is beyond stupid and I feel like I might have to end the relationship
I love seeing someone's eyes light up when they talk about or show you something that they are passionate about
Searching for a soulmate is pretty much pointless
Redditors over 25, what’s your best relationship advice?
How do you weather emotionally turbulent times alone?
How many books do you read a year?
In a fight, who would win, Alex Volkov or Christian Harper?
What is the best iced drink to drink on a hot day?
pretend this is phil’s search history
Who's your favorite MMC of all time?
what is your motivational quote you use to keep going?
If you could only recommend one book / series, what would it be?
Please Infj men over 30 respond.Do Infj guys (coworker)like it when their crush initiate the friendship? How?
Quick! You are going to be animal which animal are you going to be?
Do you get excited or less excited for your birthday every year?
Why do you think most relationships fail?
When you hear the word “marriage” what is the first thing you think of?
What is one thing you hate so much about yourself?