Long or short ?
Uhh? New episode story
Pour one out for the eternally unfinished masterpieces on this app
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Is it just me or are these hairstyles are horrible
Got a rook piercing
i’m crying 😭😭😭
The mafia stories are too toxic TW: opinion
What’s ur guy’s most listened to LT songs :)
The Ember Effect & Phoenix Prophecy
anyone else make the love interest look like your crush?
Old episode called The Bet?
Why does this subreddit find it so hard to be kind
What do you think of these monsters I made?
I miss OG episode & the old art style 😂
Your favorite li non toxic edition lol
which one do I pick?
Life changing episodes
Levi from Pretty Petty
Episode Tattoos
This is probably the worst reality show story.
let’s add each other ? <3
Plz recommend ur fav completed episodes
I never hated a LI more than in this story
well, that was a lie