Loud noises!
More Battle rifle Setups, show me yours 😉
What's your favorite rifle?
Striker fired pistols
Vector aeg with 250 round mag
Kriss achieved
Thanks for feedback!
Custom built ar-15
Airsofting is expensive.
What is Your Thoughts on VFC?
Inconsistent hopup with polarstar, random underhop and overhop.
Any idea how this could have happend
Rate my new LVOA S
Paint job suggestions?
I got it
What are your favorite skis?
If you could have an airsoft replica of and real or video game gun which would it be
Feeding issues
Luck core-shot!
Duel tone!
HPA question
Help my airsoft we glock 19 gen 5 hammer broke
Range and acuaricy issues
Why does every airsofter have this