Comparing hit rates for every max Town Hall since 2019
The Reddit / Clash Games challenge solution and fun facts... Plus a giveaway!
Can a TH2 earn a star off a maxed TH15? Turns out -Yes!
Answer to the age old question - Can a TH2 earn a star off a max TH14?
My experiments suggest that the Notice Board used for recruiting is broken or at least inequitable.
Th level 3
my th15 base
Happy Gilmore 2 | Official Teaser Trailer: Yay or Nay?
Weekly Questions Megathread
Max ore storage
Should I upgrade to TH12
I regret buying this over the electro boots, now i have to buy it with gems😞
I need help I am very desperate.
Builder apprentice
Just got this from one of the event boxes is it any good?
What I got today 🤩
Invite code megathread
How do these chest work.
Wow... I just opened the game 😭
BUG with the apprentice builder.
How tf?
Grand Warden Advice
Chat filtering is varied by account?
Should I level up to th10?
Gegner zu stark