What was your craziest luck in Diablo 2?
Pleas help me understand Hell difficulty as a melee character, a Zealadin in this case. Should I go inside optional areas? Or wait until I'm ready to grind? The monsters are much higher level in them on Hell difficulty.
15 ias, 30 ed value?
If only it was all pally skills....
Multishot amazon... wow...
Weapon Progression for first Solo-ish Zeal/Holy Fire Paladin?
Hell Act 3: Am I trash?
There is no teleport anymore and you have to pick a skill (level 1) for Enigma. Which would it be?
Price Check barb skiller
Cool merc helm?
First time for everything I guess
I don't have a SSF Necro yet - This seems like a fun reason to get into summoner, doesn't it?
Old timer here, rejoined for S10. Got this from Dia Hell. What to do with this?
Wind Druid too weak for Hell
Support your local metal bands 🤟🏻
PSA: Beware of buying non socketed white monarchs
That day 1 ladder luck...
Hydra sorc and MF
Help with merc
D2R Computer vs PS5
Morning MooMoo Luck
Which stat on Griffons is more important?
Haven’t played since launch, any new features or QoL changes?
Ormus quest reward in NM on the new ladder