My all time favorite transformer, Ironhide! Who's yours?
Here's the question: How would the Rescue Bots deal with the Decepticons?
With flames or without?
Girlfriend's Valentines gift to me, I love it!
My current Primes!
Megatron and his idol, Megatronus Prime
Finally got Megatronus Prime! Way to start 2025!
My first figure in Japan! the Detective Prince, Naoto Shirogane✨
LMFAO the JD one killed me
Who's your all time favorite Transformer?
Gf got me the Dinobots for our Anniversary! I love it!
I(27F) screamed at my husband (28M) over his hobbies, and now he's changed and i don't know how to fix this.
"A deal had to be made...with the Quintessons."
Was Ironhide's death really that painful for you? I was surprised to find out so many people cared that hard for this iteration of the character.
So my Buddy gave me this before he passed but I can’t get the damn thing to open. Any suggestions???
Got these two for ¥1000~
Got Jinwoo earlier in Kobe City~
The portion size of this meal at my local KFC
Unpopular opinion, but does anyone else struggle to go back to P4G after playing P3R and P5R.
Got her earlier for ¥900~ new servant!
Who would you replace Bumblebee with in TF one?
My fave Gojo figure!
Just got Aigis for ¥3500 earlier~
Just got Aigis earlier!
Just got this great figure of Gojo