AIO for telling my boyfriend what I want from the grocery store
fuck ICE
I BELIEV- nevermind.
Insane reptile mirror with Poseidon!
Insane reptile mirror with Poseidon
I played my sons favorite YouTuber and stomped a mudhole.
I played my sons favorite YouTuber and stomped a mudhole :)
Do you like/trust any Mortal Kombat YouTuber?
How did you learn how to edit videos other than learning as you go?
Customized graphics. FREE!!!
Any tips for promoting a fresh gaming channel?
Free graphics! Profile pics, banners etc. etc.
Wired North America tournament tomorrow.
Clan tryouts.
Question on how you would make this intro.
Tried to get 43% with 1 bar and 1 kameo. Best I could do is 1 bar and 2 kameos.
Sick comeback with noob
57% nitara morph
Salty Mileena gets knocked out of tournament
18 Portals, 1 Noob Combo.
Just a bunch of Takeda kombos (featuring discount sub zero)
Interesting Kenshi combo I cooked up
Comeback vs Homelander