Abberation ascended mods
Do you feel good when your opponent resigns?
I had revenge, he is getting army
Meneer of mevrouw heeft 0 medelijden bij een dodelijk ongeluk....
WorldOfARK PVE Astraeos CrossPlay T5 H3 XP2
How are European schools handling kids with phones?
What are your thoughts on Keir Starmer?
Is there any point in putting Vogoth and Artak on the same team?
Bruins wil af van pretstudies: studie-aanbod moet beter aansluiten op arbeidsmarkt
Beating All Bosses
How much money, if handed to you in cash, would it take to fundamentally alter your life?
Soms mis ik de corona periode. .
With calls for new rule changes after Verstappen's defensive moves, I compiled all the F1 rules changed solely because of Max Verstappen since 2016
If you could push a button, and gain +$1,000,000, but the consequence is that 1 million people in a country of your choice die, would you press that button? And if so, for what country?
Looking for a new clan
The school system failed
Need advice on what map to play.
Oproep studenten van universiteiten in Nederland
Am I an "idiot" for this defense?
Looking for pve server
Active servers
Looking for Clan
Wie denkt er na om te vertrekken?
Een vraag over onze Engelstalige subreddit
I am curious, what are your trivia topics? I'll go first...