Were out for walkies!
What is the worst thing you've overheard while pretending to be asleep?
Should I stay with Kali linux or switch to BlackArch ?
My first time and need help
I have a few questions about archetyp
Thinking of trying for the first time
My first bike :)
No phones allowed at this British pub I visited
Beginner and getting it very wrong. Any tips?
In the mood to bless someone.. Is there anyone who is fiening really bad, but is broke? I wanna help someone out.
Which one should I choose?
Finally bought my first bike.
Don't care about the "politics", but Angry_Woman got dope handwriting! 🔥
What do you think?
Am I Cooked?
Is it haram to use google? Or YouTube? Or any Google-related app?
What inappropriate thing did you do as a child that you didn’t realize was inappropriate until later?
does anyone know if zamnesia uk is a reliable source for salvia cuttings?
How badly did I mess up?
How much bitcoin to buy?
Anyone know of any online places to buy a knife without verification? (UK)
Seeking Advice on Buying Bitcoin in the UK
Need help with ID