Did anybody notice that this was Luke Cage and his girls?😭
you’re stuck on a 12 hours flight, which seat are you taking? (Real Madrid edition)
Teenage Comedian Booed By MAGA Audience
Elle est dérangée avec nous
American dad 100 A.D uncensored
should i upgrade to windows 11 24H2?
Elon flew from Dulles to San Jose last night?
The fork bomb.
i never knew how tall grizzly are. New fear unlocked , it will be a while before i go hiking again.
Around 6% of Americans believe they can defeat a grizzly bear in a hand-to-hand combat
I've spent the last week reporting every single MAGA I know that scams the government.
“JENNAYY” claims “J” - next is “K!” (Runners-up below)
what character do you wish had their own a/b plot
Two buddies and I got matching Doom Rune tattoos. Mine is on my chest but they all look the same. Thought y'all would appreciate it.
Am I crazy? I'm 37, she's 33. I feel like I'm crazy.
He literally needed to ask for applause
Andy Dick wins Day 9! With that, the chart is complete!
American Dad remembers Bazooka Shark Nest owner Cyrus Mooney (Space Ghost VA George Lowe dead at 67)
Excuse me, but why is Steve’s cellphone photo for his sister is him getting caught taking a candid shower photo?? Is this some weird incest joke?
Bf passed a few months back and his Pc just stopped working, need help identifying the problem.
Video of the orange cybertruck getting booed
Swastikar gets bombarded at Mardi Gras
Medical marijuana and guns. What's the rules about having medical marijuana and buying and owning guns in Utah?
Qurchhhh (aka the Kim Kardashian alien) wins Day 8! Now for the final square, Day 9: Which AD character is a horrible person and hated by fans?
I just rewatched Guppy Love and forgot about Klaus’s crazy hairstyles. When this one popped up for a second it floored me.
Don’t mind me, just wanted to show everyone my Wheels & The Legman shirt
Go Zooks. Mega Bowl Champs, here we come!