Delivering a Wyvern egg in Wilds is.. wild...
S9052-TF7-UECT communication error is making the game unplayable
My only 2 real complaints about the game...
Long Term Tekken Fans Who Are Noobs
Cannot believe I haven’t gotten a crown rarity yet….
Say the best and the worst thing about this game
What's the saddest game you've ever played? (No Spoilers please)
I wasn't paying attention while playing and ended up unintentionally creating a perfect battle ending
Tell me your Monster Hunter hot takes.
Who is your favorite character to use in open world and why is it her ?
Expectations VS Reality 🤣
"Tekken 7 was better " the Tekken 7 in question
You can DELETE 3 characters from the game, who do you choose?
I know this has probably been asked before but,is dragons dogma 2 as good as the first one? I don't want to waste money.
The Tekken community is irredeemably toxic, and it sucks
Some Kunimitsu art (last one is NSFW censored)
Current state of the game on base PS5
Solo io ho paura che GTA6 sarà una delusione?
Why does icebourne have such negative reviews
Anno nuovo, prospettive nuove, quale gioco mi sta mettendo piÿ hype in questo inizio del 2025?
Giochi o generi più sopravvalutati secondo voi?
What's an opinion about the game that'll have you like this?
Why Peter feels "nerfed"
Am I the only one who wants to see her return in Tekken 8?
Do you think DD2 is worse than DD1 / DD:DA?