Why did Mythweaver Poq trigger going on stack but nothing happened?
Y’all, is he called Eddie as a reference to Venom? Is Venom a reference too? Am I stupid?
A lot of new plushies by Goodsmile
What are your favorite/least favorite things about your mirror match?
Qual cirurgia transfeminina você considera mais importante e por que?
What's the latest mainline Guilty Gear game on the PS5?
What the hell is this set? And why is it such a nightmare to find any information about it?
You are offered 5000$ to play against your worst matchup for 24 hours.
Based on a previous post on here
When Pot gets too close.
Sol Badguy's Bandit Revolver rakes in money
Whos ready to get a possible remix of this masterpiece since Lucy is in
Never happened to me before til now???
What is going on with umisho/ the strive community?
Is this game really as bad to play as Leffen say it is? I don’t go to tournaments or anything but I’ve been having fun.
therapeutic video of Bridget getting one shot
Como escolheram seus nomes?
And you still do it.
Is mist finer a high or low?
Can you play with people from different regions?
[TOMT] video where one girl tries to convice two guys that taylor swift isn't straight by explaining hidden subtext on a fake taylor song that's explicitly about how much taylor is heterosexual
Went to a gun range today...
Is the White Dwarf being placed too close to the Witch King in IE?
Is Guilty gear Strive still worth getting for a fighting game beginner?
Game performance