How I feel after seeing all the negativity on this sub recently
Scott's videos are getting harder to watch
Anyone else concerned about Scott?
Since Jon mentioned it a few times during Wonder, would you like to see the boys do a Sonic Superstars LP?
The real best character in the entire series.
My Intimate...And Romantic Dream About Masashi Kawahara...
is it bad that i like bimmy's attempt at a videogame?
Is mario party 9 that bad
What do you think about the Handheld Mario Parties?
Here’s what I found inside of a glass vault at Next Level Games in Saskatoon.
Yeah, that’s an appropriate response
Danganronpa V3 [11]
I have completed this game. (I'll spare you the title as it probably doesn't translate deepl)
Site Remake May 2024
What anime became a suprise hit?
There's a real college course titled "Fire Emblem Design and Analysis"
Nintendo World Championships: Deluxe Edition…. What do you guys think…
The issue with the Castlevania video, ignoring the laziness of it
So, about Emily....
Has anyone archived the laughingboylp interviews?
I'm genuinely confused by the recent lawly statement
Holy Grail NES Castlevania sells for over $90,000, losing bidder predicts "a $250K flip" but the buyer says he wanted "the first game my mom ever bought me"
These games have been sitting at a local game store for about 3 years now, I swear nothing ever gets sold and the prices go up everytime I come in (once a month)
Steins;Gate Elite Suddenly Pretty Pricey
[meme] What do you think that circle is that Elsa has on top of her?