"But when Acheron released......" bla bla bla, Regardless, i am going all in for her.
I am now 99.9% sure he is indeed a true damage DPS
Has anyone pointed this out already?
So this is where Mydei's 10th thoraic vertebra is??
Сколько здесь геев или других представителей ЛГБТ?
Kit "speculation" based on crumbs ( leaks yk )
Beta 5.6
If i were not to pull for effie, what would be skirk's decent team?
who's this?
I think it looks like Phainon is break
Prayer circle
Phainon Quantum (Phaidei Combat?)
5.5 live lore
I just looked at this e6 art, is something bad gonna happen to her?
Fontaine Chef girl description via Seele
"Nanase, pls protect me"
All the ship with more than 500 work in ao3
My Ship's for each region (No order)
Do we think Skirk is going to be the New Moon?
Does this confirm that Capitano is one of those moon sisters and will return in 5.6 with the remaining sisters?
Sussy skirk kit
First look at Nod-Krai (clearer image)