Mixing to much mayhaps? Speed, coke, alc and 3mmc?
How to sleep?
magic loss
Will I be able to drink alcohol socially again without my brain reforming a psychological dependance and experiencing withdrawals of any kind?
100mg Valium after 0.5g of Cocaine — no sleep?
Can I snort coke with fever?
Liver Damage caused by Tramadol?
Anal pain affter boofing
How do i ceep my nose clean after doing bumbs
It's been 24 hours since my last line and still can't sleep
A little question about amphetamines
Does speed make anyone else not get sarcasm
Spid novi sad
Zopiclone, Zolpidem or Nitrazepam?
I'm bored
Cold Hands and Feet
can anyone tell me what i took
Does the motivation and drive aspect of speed diminish?
Can someone tell me the science of why MDMA drains you so much the next day ?
Pregabalin again... Wow.
How dangerous is consistently drinking energy drinks?
Life feels shitty without constant Adderall usage
Steps to take to stop caring what people think of you?
What were you taught was the most important thing was as a child?