Anybody ever take BIOL 325 with Prof Semple?
Hey guys, what are the easiest third year/fourth year Science courses you guys know about? Preferably in BIOL but I'm open to other sciences as well.
Hey Reddit. I have a question for you. Is gelatin derived from pork the same chemically and molecularly to gelatin derived from lets say, beef? I mean gelatin is a bunch of peptides and proteins that forms from collagen...isn't collagen the same in all organisms?
Hey Reddit. I have a question for you. Is gelatin derived from pork the same chemically and molecularly to gelatin derived from lets say, beef? I mean gelatin a bunch of peptides and proteins that forms from collagen...isn't collagen the same in all organisms?
IAmA Waterloo ECE Grad working in the Video Games Industry.
Hey Reddit. What are some great careers/jobs you all have or have heard of that don't require a degree?
Hey Reddit, was Canada founded as a Christian nation? Is it currently a Cristian nation? Or can it be argued that it is truly secular?
Help me start a birther conspiracy. Sarah Palin said "We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada." But she also says she was "born" in Sandpoint, ID, an hour away from Canada. Is Sarah Palin a Canadian?
Cat Survives Tsunami On A Wall