Any advice on how to play this deck ?
Evo valk ?
What evolution should I get?
Mon repas de ce midi, bon appétit.
Anyone else think it’s weird that you unlock zero spells in spell valley?
Nerf this emote 🙏 🥀
Rate my deck 🥵🔥
What mistake that your opponent does that makes you feel like this
"Yay ! A new cool mode 😀"
Whos in the wrong?
Hey guys a friend of mine is in need of help for a deck. What would u guys Change.
Where are my femboy vtubers at !? 🗣
Made him make a little mistake
Okay. What the heck was I supposed to do???
Clash Royal Birthday Gift 🥹
friend and i made a tier list based on how much we hate fighting every card in the game
Which card should I get to level 15 ?
Received a Book of Commons from today’s reward. What should I use it on?
How can bro be at 8k trophies with this deck 💔💔💔
Est-ce normal de ne pas être en couple ?
Nice 😈
There’s no way he joined my clan that’s too funny
HYPERCHARGE in Clash Royale! (Spell Idea)