Best class for Spell Cartridges
Latr game bronze
Spellcasting from paths
Loved this greedy Sniper Rifle One-Shot Build!
Tips on current vanessa builds
Palareach of shelyn
Ok, so, a Paladin in Alushinyrra. Great.
How do you balance high level and mythic games?
Thinking of running an AP for my group
Bards, How to play them? Can they be melee? Is it worth it?
Ok, so, shapechangers
Arcane Hierophant and Divine Archmage
Hexes, pyromancies, and contradictio in adiecto
Is there any mods to buff back the old moonlight greatsword where it is broken as ever before the nerf?
Prestiging is so refreshing each time
How good are my stats?
How is 1/x continuous
Ultimate Mercy vs Relentless healing
Belfry Gargolyes are hard? I dont think so
is full mana really a strat ?
Time to Theme!
Hell if I want those lair themes...
My pure sorcerer ceased being pure