I've just seen Rocky 1 & 2 for the first time
Favorite hear me outs?
What’s this fish called
Favorite character that IS NOT in Fortnite?
Business Cj
Я 3 часа убирал снег. задавайте вопросы.
Cj got that drip
I did it, today I made history.
Here's a Little cursed thing i made
What’s happening with man?
Favorite "My name is"
What's his name?
Is he taking the win or not?
What does my top 5 say about me
What's his Aslume name?
Give me your most cursed image
Wyd if you wake up to this
The most violent game you ever played
Give me your last saved cursed image
Какие из зарубежных исполнителей, вы посоветуете послушать?
Посоветуйте музыку
КАКАЯ ВАША ЛЮБИМАЯ ПЕСНЯ?!!!!!(оч хочу послушать что-то новое)
Your last saved photo is why you forgot the pixels. What is it?
World in my eyes ♂️right version ♂️