Language Exchange Games
We're the creators of Duolect – the community-driven language learning platform designed to get you speaking, not grinding streaks. AMA!
Looking for apps recommendations!
Are there any apps designed to meet people from other countries without showing your face?
Update: Language Learning Community & App
What's your dream language app?
Grade 12 Student here: How's UofT currently going for you?
Apply for Study Permit at POE?
Looking for a long-form Video Editor
Forgotten Underground Philly Rapper
Problems with manim-latex installation e.g. standalone.cls not found
Is DOOM still considered to be underground?
Could anyone explain how I would about solving these problems?
Made an MF DOOM poster, what do you guys think? Also lmk which one you prefer, and how you feel about the colors
DOOM Records
MF DOOM Rug i made recently 🖤
What’s Your Favorite DOOM Album?