Puppet steve has filled a copyright claim on jonnyblox's youtube channel after jonny included a livestream clip of puppet steve in his most recent video.
Redesign of withered chica and withered foxy funko pop
The mangle funko pop is gonna be massive
First look at FNAF 2 Funko Pops!
That pose. That damned pose...
Does anyone know what happened to purple goldfish
I got him!!!!! And he's beautiful!!!!!
Overthinking is a understatement buddy.
10th Anniversary Funko Mystery Minis Wave 2 Concept! Happy 10th!!
I saw this picture of Scott and I don’t know if it’s real does anyone know
An alternative ending to the August 5 incident
My smile cookies really said:😐🙂🙃🙂
Night of mischief completed (for 10 year anniversary)
What is this balloon boy looking thing?
I found a pink sheep
10/20 too hard so I tried an easier challenge first
Which continent did I remove from this world map (wrong answers only)
Thanks for the character!!!! who's next
Naked toy chica
Thoughts on youtooz reusing the jimmy neutron plush pattern for scraptrap(credit to ooftroop for the scraptrap design)
So guys... what's his name?
With the 10th Anniversary being in a week, what are some of the most random, obscure or interesting pieces of Fnaf Trivia you know?
I designed / redesigned Fnaf plushies using patterns funko already owned (credits to FreddyFoozbear on redbubble for chica’s bib)
Could Scott take down "FNaF in Real Time?"