Weird Experience With Rose Quartz?
Weird Experience with Rose Quartz
Who is that?
Travelling through middle eastern countries on layovers
What will happen if I don't respond to their message ?
Free readings in the comments. DO NOT DM
kIm jUsT wAnTs tO pRoTeC hEr cHiLdReN
Welp.... seems like Miss KJ's newest moodboard and inspo is now Monica 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
They said don't but I already did. Help needed!!!
Spell for letting go
First time talking to Aphrodite
Situationship so bad you gotta do a letting go and self healing spell
How does he currently feels about me ?
Made my first money bowl!
I need some honest help/feed back
Why is this giving funeral?? 😭 (sound on)
How do I get hair like this ? Khloe specifically always has this long hair that looks soft and sleek and sorta thinner at the ends, but also straight throughout with no bends .
It's my birthday so you can ask for a free reading from me today!
[19] Hi can y’all be honest abt my nose? Is it too big? Should I get a surgery?
Thoughts on Kim Kardashian in her prime? Do you think this is when she was the most beautiful? —— opinions on this? Was this her best face????
Thoughts on Kim Kardashian in her prime? Do you think this is when she was the most beautiful?
Kylie's Instagram Post: "something iconic is coming .."
Which angel can reveal truths about life, the earth, universe etc?
She’s her own biggest hater cause what do you mean you finally had good eyebrows and you messed em up for Glinda?
Warning, may cause mild discomfort and confusion
I'm I being Harsh by not wanting to talk to person X ?