Wait, so some robots, like Takahashi, arguably own...themselves? How is that supposed to work out? What does Takahashi do with the money he makes, and why would he need money anyways?
To me it feels kinda sad to see the only semblance of a Post-War state be the NCR, which also isn't looking too hot right now. With 200 years having passed and the Wasteland maintaining the same chaotic status quo, which Fallout faction would you think, or hope, will rise up and finally start anew?
What's your opinion on "essential" characters? Are they totally unacceptable due to restricting your gameplay, or is it ok to have some of them marked essential in order for the game to be finishable, no matter what you do?
So China's nuclear attack on the US was so early, basically every pre-War contingency plan failed? Vault-Tec couldn't get it together in time, and even House was 10 hours short. What was it that made China nuke everyone earlier than any mathematical projections could have ever predicted it to?
Why didn't the US or China have allies in the Great War, even if they didn't help much? We never hear of any other fronts in countries allied to either side, nor do we see propaganda aimed at anyone's allies. There would definitely be countries hating the US or China who'd be happy to settle scores.
I've not yet gotten around to playing Fallout 1, but I just saw its map overlaid on America, and I saw something...interesting. Can you actually visit Baja California, and thus Mexico, in the very first installment of this US-centered game? Has Fallout been international since the start?
People who live around the places the Fallout games/DLC's took place in: Did you ever try and find your house, or the place your house would most likely be in, in-game? I get that the maps aren't 1:1, but what location matched best? Did you ever find anything interesting there?
I still don't quite get what they were thinking here.
If the President staying at the oil rig was public enough for it to be featured on the Boston Bugle, how is that thing still standing? If a newspaper could get this much info, how much does Chinese intelligence know already? Why wasn't Control Station ENCLAVE nuked or sabotaged 20 times over by now?
If the Bear Force One of the NCR was inspired by the Air Force One plane name, then that must mean it existed! What do you think happened to it when the bombs dropped? It's basically a mobile fallout shelter, so whoever controlled it before the War would probably survive, and now be able to fly.
Why isn't the Air Force One an airship, if it's goal is to keep the president safe in any disaster? Wouldn't an airship which doesn't need to land protect the president for much longer, due to it not needing any ground support to fly continuosly?
Make it happen Jacklings. I will keep reposting until we get Jack's confirmation.
If Jack actually went to Equatorial Guinea then what part would he stay on?
I think that the Enclave are going to be the main baddies of the show.
Ok, so who ACTUALLY nuked Shady Sands?
Did Tiananmen Square happen in Fallout? I mean if it did we'd hear about it by now.
The most unrealistic part about Fallout is not the Ghouls and Super Mutants, it's that a famous actor would get to stay in Hollywood after publicly marrying a black woman in a future with 1950s customs and culture.
You are a former WHO scientist, who has since helped develop the Pan-Immunity Virion, before it got nationalised. Vault-Tec recently offered you a job, with a free spot in Vault 87 along with it. A month before the War, the full scope of your work there is revealed to you. What do you do?
what happened to vault 0 after fallout tactics?
To one up that guy with 40 something caps.
If the Forced Evolutionary virus is, well, a virus, then why isn't it contagious? Super Mutants must be full of it, just staying close to one in an enclosed space long enough, like Fawkes or Lily, should transform you into one too. Why must they dip you in a vat of airborne virus to infect you?
Why don't we get to see more NCR Vertibirds at the Second Battle of Hoover Dam?
Why DIDN'T House disclose his plan to the US government?
Why don't we see Securitrons in Fallouts after New Vegas? Being a pre-War invention with military applications, available for purchase from RobCo, why don't they show up along with Sentry Bots, Mr. Gutsy's and Protectrons in old military bases and other strategic locations in 4 and 76?