Is the king of san andreas criminal rating the real 100%?
What do you guys do after Pulaski's death?
Jonny's "descent into madness" did not came out of nowhere
How many people here actually had an ed edd n eddy childhood?
How much of Jimmy’s crybaby behavior is due to sarah’s influence?
Datura skin ointment test #2
Gang wars…96.23% 52 taken
Who else watched better call Saul before breaking bad
Would the real cartels react the same way to purity and Walter White himself?
Which Character do you hate the most?
Jesse Is the Most Illogical Character
Did Walt feel any remorse after finding out his involvement in Donald Margolis causing the airplane disaster?
My headcanon for the chronological order of Ed Edd n Eddy
Where can I watch Ed Edd n Eddy?
The epsoide I always thought was missing,
Why didn't Walt smoke his own blue meth for an energy boost near the end?
Why was Walter so angry after finding out about his remission?
zacktv voice crack in the chief keef interview 😂 shit had me dead RIP bro
What state do you personally think the show takes place in?
What do you think it’s like to actually have someone like Walt as a father?
Which Breaking Bad villain would you be most afraid of in real life?
What was the initial reception to spider-man like back in the 60s?
Was Jesse wrong with his opinion that he and walt were getting screwed by gus?
What is the wildest thing you have witnessed at a funeral?
Wade Williams (Brad Bellick from Prison Break) would have made a great ASAC Schrader