Hot Take: Torrie & Stacy were the only good thing WWE acquired from WCW
Road Warriors are the Champs
Greatest WCW tag team Final
Greatest Tag Team Championship Tourney Final Four
Y2J roasts Benoit in the style of Dr Seuss
Saturday Night Staple Champion Final
Greatest Tag Team Champions Invitational Updated.
JBL is the worst.
Why did Vince McMahon have a soft spot for ECW but not WCW?
Updated Saturday Night Championship Tourney
Trump appoints Vince Russo as chief of border wall to ensure nobody gets over
Watching this match back WWE really missed out.
Best nicotine pouch brand?
Will New Bloodline acknowledge Roman Reigns?
Who should beat Gunther for the World Heavyweight Championship?
What is *your* favorite WCW moment?
Big boss man
Tag Team Tournament
Tell me the country/state you live in
Greatest wrestling commentator of all time?
What's your ultimate dream match? I think for me it has to be an iron man match with Hart and Angle blowing off a feud.
Who was the biggest monster during your childhood? For me it was 2003 Kane, no one was scarier and more unhinged than he was.
Which Wrestler in WWE has come close in terms of popularity to him? (Besides Rock, Hogan, & Cena)