Persona 4 Remake Announcement Looking Likely After Domain Discovered
Sony 600mm prime or Sony 400-800mm?
Austin Rents Tumble 22% From Peak on Massive Home Building Spree
If you think houses are the enemy, you are destroying our country and young people’s future
[Dr. Evan Jeffries] Definitely NOT too many minutes he was knocked off balance which can cause a split second loss of communication with the Nervous system reducing ability to contract the muscle properly resulting in hyperextension of the opposite knee.
Anyone going to Mavs vs. Lakers game for Luka’s return?
Just curious. do you think a female dev get a job easier than a male dev. Becasue of the "Woman in tech" campaign or "girls can code"
Not smart enough for CS, about to graduate. What do I need to do?
Alternative Slow-Mo angle of Luka one handed shot
Need opinions on two housing options
How do you rad documentation? My eyes glaze over almost instantly.
New junior developers can't actually code. AI is preventing devs from understanding anything
Man got out of car, shot 2 he described as ‘2 Palestinians’ in Miami Beach, police say; victims hospitalized
Dating possible?
Adam Silver should be impeached
Trump Administration has released a shipment of 1800 MK-84 2,000-pound bombs, which have arrived in Israel
Why Luka wasn’t shopped around: Explained
Do they expect more of you if you negotiated a higher salary?
We need to talk about San Francisco's e-bike problem
BART running out of emergency funding, facing potential shut down
Cybertruck crash: Driver was drunk, on cocaine when 3 killed
Is it uncool to use up my PTO before putting my two weeks notice in?
Is it rare for people to focus on the Type System?
Is ‘drug tourism’ driving homelessness — or an easy scapegoat?