Gimme some overused sentence you cringe when reading.
Looking for feedback on my portfolio
I'm not looking for feedback about skill or quality, but rather what it represents to you metaphorically.
Friends, I have a serious question. How many of you have started receiving commissions? If so, how?
What should I do if the other person doesn’t do their part of an art trade?
Am I a fraud?: Picking colours for digital paintings
I thought it was “who” like Doctor Who
Realism server A new dawn
Dynasty Realism
Thoughts on pirating films and shows as artists?
What’s your opinion on Dj x Steve’s break up in Full House?
Printing a painting
free 3d programs to use for backgrounds?
DeviantArt robbed me
I just finished Bojack for the fist time, ask me anything!
What online courses do y’all recommend for doing backgrounds and landscaping?
What do you call this type of art style?
How to spot an ai art?
Where can I go to find reputable artists for a cover at a fair price. I have seen some options, but I would love to find an actual person who has gone through it give me some recommendations.
how can i make this appear more shiny?
Creating a small group of serious/dedicated newtubers
Hi I’m an artist and made this oil painting of down bad it’s an 8x8 selling for $49.99
Since we’re doing fan casts here’s mine.
My friend doesn't want to accept money for art they're making me and I feel bad
Possibly leaving after 17 years