Guess it’s our duty to satisfy men in bed
The dick is soo good shes okay with the guy slapping her child and paying for his living expenses and legal fees.
Pretty sure Snoo isn’t at fault here…
Your mom is dying and you’re worried which print is more comfortable… pretty sure Little Sleepies uses the same fabric for their different prints.
Everything wrong with the world today. Ma’am; your 3 month old has no comprehension or expectation of this gift. Check out the second photo for another entitled parent.
Oh that’s not…
Husband is struggling with mental health and doesn’t want kids… just have another one in addition to the one he didn’t want in the first place. Apparently her parents’ opinions are more important than her husband’s.
At least pay for this last cleaning service.
Walking cesspool… did she not notice any of this…?
A “modern” mom group stuck in 1930 China mindset - she wants to keep the child if it has the genitals she wants.
10+ terminations, there are other birth control options out there.
Raising the next generation of Trumps and Diddys.
This better be rage bait, if not the group admin should turn them in.
Nanny getting punished with pay deduction for having an appointment with immigration.
Maybe send her in what you consider “less nice shoes” and maybe use a better nickname for her sperm donor.
No. Please do not keep passing your stupid genes on.
Yes. You’re a shit mom raising shit children. The fact that you need to ask the internet is absurd.
Kid gets caught lying so mom threatens sewer slide? Let’s count the ways how this child is going to end up in therapy 15 years from now.
What the Oedipus freak did I just read?
Insanely tacky gift grab on a bamboo mom group.
Maybe listen to your MIL or follow the law.
Insurance fraud. Car seat not good enough for her own child but okay for a family in need.
51lb one year old?
It’s a storyline for Game of Thrones.