type your favorite cookie's name without using the crossed out letters
type your favorite brawler's name without using the crossed out letters
Who killed CS?
Yes! We all heard that Doraemon the Movie 2026 is now in the work. But the rumor here is, they're going back to underwater?! What do you guys think it will be?
Opinion on this one
Doraemon The Movie 2026 leaked on TikTok.
Favorite character who is Literally just Gandolf The white
Will we ever see a gigachad win a major with this many characters ever again
crk Ancient oc - Century Egg Cookie
MORE art of Ikol
Give your oc a Pokémon type
Lord Fawful took over reddit
Who did you like better?
Give any of my Villain OCs a Voiceclaim & I’ll give your OCs a VoiceClaim
Whos your favourite character who lost EVERYTHING.
What character is this?
I didn't know it was women's day today have women (don't worry about the last slide)
Whitout playing the game, would you say that Pure Vanilla cookie is female?
Spot the deferences in chapter 4 (SPOILERS!)
if the beast cookies got a redemption arc. what would you think?
Pick a number from 1 to 201 for a free Sir Pentious image
Easy choice, right?
Comment your fav cookie, but you HAVE TO give them a normal name (bonus points for the reaction to their new name)
Still working on the Fan Animation but I have a very hard question to ask.
What i imagine Leith Pierre doing while the game events play out