Who wins?
If you were to destroy the entire planet to live in your self made paradise alone, what would you do?
At dinner, my family laughed and ate like nothing was wrong, but their eyes were hollow and their skin was gray.
What do you think about the Bount Arc?
What are your hot takes on Ichigo?
The stars went out one by one, leaving only darkness and a low, resonant hum.
What's the scariest movie you've watched?
I woke up to my dog growling at the corner of my room, hackles raised.
If you were an angel and were to choose if someone like you could go to heaven or hell. Where would you send them?
I locked the door, relieved to be safe from the thing chasing me.
What's the most destructive mindset one could have?
Who wins/what diff?
Soi Fon fanart by me