Florida bill proposes removal of Algebra, English exam requirements for graduation
[KCD2] Miller Kryzel just became my favorite character with this line of dialog...
You have to get a tattoo from a piece of media, but without a casual fan knowing what it is.
ATIA My GF (26F) and I (26M) are about to break up because she isn't aware of how bad her vagina smells, how do I help her understand?
[KCD2] Anyone else enjoy this side quest?
Why do you think Trump's admin so keen on relying on Executive Orders which causes Constitutional lawsuits/legal issues rather than using the Republican majorities in congress to LEGALLY pass their agenda?
Trump has just announced, that despite the previous negotiations made with the Mexican and Canadian governments, that 25% tariffs will go ahead as planned. What do you make of this?
Is it possible to get totally wireless rear speakers for my LG SP7R 7.1 Channel High Res Audio Sound Bar without wires
Advice on Clock Spring Replacement on 2013 Mazda 3i Sedan and Bluetooth compatibility?
Made a student re-check their own biases against trans people the other day...
[Headphones] MASSDROP X SENNHEISER HD 6XX HEADPHONES - $179 / $169 New Customers (Drop)
Got called a socialist and a sexist today by my students lmfao
How to make sure files on local network are being negotiating and transferred to NAS at 2.5 GB/s?
Which dns do you use on your home router?
Spent New Year's alone and I feel like garbage.
Ripped Blu-rays don't have audio, but entire series is available on YouTube. Is there anyway for me to rip the audio from the online video and mix it into the Bluray's playback on Plex?
[Keyboard] Logitech K835 Mechanical Blue Switch Keyboard (Spanish Layout) - $23 Woot
How long can one expect a late 2000s-early 2010s Mazda 3 that’s been decently taken care of to last?
HONEY was scamming influencers this whole time ?
Sonic 3 was really fun
Official Discussion - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 [SPOILERS]
Men, what was one instance of you doing everything right but still losing?
I'll be the first to say it: The F2000 is busted.
Took a right turn too tightly and I hit the back-rear underside of my 2013 Mazda 3i on the curb. I have a check engine light now. What did I break?