Released an update for our mod - Fancy Boss HP Bar (Plus Edition!), which adds cool appear and death animations for boss bars - now working properly in AB+/Rep/Rep+!
Is there a mod that adds the repentance + changes(save for the online mode) to base repentance?
Does Repentagon disable achievements?
Behold, the ultimate glitched item!
Repentogon on rep+?
Today is Tainted Cain Daily Run... Good luck
They need to update repentogon to rep+
Repetence+ multiplayer with two local players consistently crashing on my PC
repentogon keeps doing this. any ideas?
Don't worry, everyone, the real tier list is right here! (You're welcome) 😎
Nothing unusual. Just a wall in one of the colleges in Mogilev
Today is the first Tainted Tuesday Daily Run with Tainted Keeper!
Today's daily run is out of control if you play it right
What happens if I use dice on Polaroid in Mega Satan daily run
Shoutout to anybody else that does this
Unable to uninstal Repentogon
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance+ Online Beta v1.9.7.10 patchnotes
Is repentogon working with repentance +?
Today is Day 8 (cheese)
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance+ Beta v1.9.7.9 [Patch Notes]
How can I play Repentogon while still being able to play Repentance+?
what is edmund doing
I "fixed" text spacing for pickup counter font that was introduced in Repentance+ [Mod link in the comments]
Dork After Dark uses the same sample that AgonyOST did in one of their mixes