if i save in front of the gate will the shiny odds change? ive been looking for a eevee outbreak for a while
Is there anywhere I could play Arceus without a switch?
Question can anyone help I'm losing sanity
Pub Food!?
Shalpha Eevee Time!
Which switch for online gaming..?
How much is all of this worth?
7 normal shinies and my first shalpha IN THE SAME DAY?!?
Can anyone confirm whether resetting Mamoswine static spawn works?
How rare is this???
What Shalfas do you have on your team?
Got a Shiny Alpha Mothim after 552 resets
My first Shiny Alpha
Got this bad boi for 4$ for parts but it was super easy fix
Can someone please explain what these lines mean
Alpha Shiny
I’ve heard of a method called “The ghost method” where you can despawn pokemon by throwing berries at them.
I am ready for ZA
Extra shinys!!!!
I am never evolving her , she's just perfect as it is
Hey now, hey now, this is what dreams are made of ~ my second shalpha!
I won the lottery today!
Pokemon Legends Z-A Pokémon Presents | 2.27.2025 Trailer
Shieldon I’m literally begging
Which games should i buy