Next U.S. President is a current stand-up comic. Who do you want it to be and why?
A family dog is fatally injured in vicious dog attack
UK Woman, 25, jailed 14 weeks for assaulting bouncer, using racial slurs and spitting at him.
Been voice training and trying my best for a week and have been lucky enough to have freinds who have given me tips to sound more fem please tell me how My voice is going!
Spinach, cheese and bacon egg muffins(breakfast for dinner)
Week 1: 2020 Hindsight - Steak Frites Platter
Well, it could be di..worse
Week 1: Hindsight 2020 - Black Eyed Peas and Mustard Greens
DO one thinh that scares you
Sorry for the potato quality. Found this baby under the hood of my car. She's exhausted but she's home now.
Something always comes up :/
Happy Birthday to me. Happy New Year to TOOL!🤘
Greyhound is giving free tickets to runaways who want to return home
This was a live broadcast of the 2020 new year fireworks in london.
You're given the option to drop what you have and return to 12/31/2011 as yourself at that age, but with the extra 8 years of experience. Do you take it? Why or why not?
I'm sure the thief didn't know, but I feel like this still belongs here.
I felt dead for most of my 2019. Finally I think I'm coming alive. This is my way to portray it
An odd night
New Year, new rules!
Perfectly timed “I am Iron Man” to end the decade the same way it started. Happy New Year from Sydney!
I wish I liked people or parties enough to wear this somewhere tonight
My husband ended his life this year. Fuck 2019.
First terrarium, any advice?
Like father, like son.
Like father like son